Greyhound University
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School Mishaps

Lots of crazy things happened at Greyhound U, here are some stories about it.

The drunk that lost his way and other School Stories

At our October school we had a guy that thaught he was better than us and instead of heading to study groups he headed to the Bars.  He kept saying I don't need anyone or need help with anything. I am in to the Hound, I work for the Hound already I know I passed. 

He would even come back to the Dorm drunk.   Well he passed training and actually started driving until the day he reported to work drunk.  Well needless to say he don't work for the Hound.

If you were to take anything away from this story please don't turn on your friends and don't hit the bars.


From 30 to 3:

Around the 2nd week of Atlantic City training 3 students a girl and two guys were the last ones to graduate.  Heres what happened.   Everyone decided to go into Atlantic City and go gambiling, well needless did they know they were being watched and when they returned back to the Hotel they were on the Next Bus Home.


The One That Got Away:

One day a girl was doing great in School and passing, the next day she was gone.  Rumor had it she was knocking boots with and instructor and got caught. The instructor stayed and she was sent home.  The rumor was she kept hitting curbs.  The funny thing was she was a great driver.

Do your own work

4 people shipped home because they were trying to help other people learn about Logs.  Wrong answer.  Go to study groups and only ask an instructor.

Do you have a school story? Email Us