Greyhound University
Go Greyhound U and leave the training to us!

Home Terminal Stage 1 Interview Stage 2 Computer Training Stage 3 The School Stage 4 Final Stage FYI What to take Meet the instructors Driving for the Dog School Mishaps

What to take to school



1. What to bring to school: At the interview they will give you a list of what to bring. Stick to this list.

                                                        A:  Black dress pants,

                                                        B: White dress shirts.

                                                        C: Black tie.

                                                        D:  Black dress socks

                                                        E: Black Dress Shoes, NO LOAFERS OR SNEAKERS.

                                                        F: Off duty clothes

                                                         G: Something to sleep in

                                                          H: A watch.


 2: Other things you need to bring: Basic toiltres, a phone card, hard candy (for classes) Money to last until your first non pay.  ( Usually the first  Monday)  Bring your alarm clock also. Go to a truck stop and get a decent log book cover and log book ruler. It will protect your log book.Bring plenty of black pens, paper, (NON Spiral note books work best) A folder to keep paper work in. Take enough to clothing to last you till laundry day.

Ask your supervisor what all is allowed and isn't allowed. You will not know until you ask.                                                  


What did you take to Greyhound U?